Here are some interesting articles I’ve come across recently, for your consideration:
Emotionally extreme experiences, not just “positive” or “negative” experiences, are more meaningful in life. (Though that depends on one’s conception of meaning, I should think.) (Scientific American)
The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it. A new guns case reveals that the once-noble institution has died, and we’re left working with its corpse. (Atlantic)
Should work be passion, or duty? Too many of us expect our jobs to give meaning to our lives. There is a better way. (New York Times)
The delusion of scientific omniscience. As time passes, the claim that science can comprehend everything looks increasingly nutty. (Scientific American)
Can our self-conscious minds save us from our selfish selves? (Aeon)
The picture on Aeon’s “self-consciousness” piece is about Richard Cory of Edward Arlington Robinson poetic fame. I wrote a modern riff on that poem just recently, with that painting as illustration. https://wordsofsocraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2019/04/richard-cory-redux.html
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