Here are some interesting articles I’ve come across recently, for your consideration:
Marcus Aurelius helped me survive grief and rebuild my life. [By my friend Jamie Lombardi.] (Aeon)
How Stoicism can help at a time of crisis — part 1, the Stoic Worry Tree. [By my friend Tim LeBon.] (Medium)
Why philosophy is an ideal travel companion for adventurous minds. (The Conversation)
The ethics of speech acts. It’s one thing to say something. It’s quite another for a person to do (or not do) something because of what you’ve said. [Convoluted, difficult reading, but worthy, in the end.] (Aeon)
The pleasure principle. Peter Adamson in defense of the Cyrenaics, the original hedonists. (Philosophy Now)
A Minute Therapist Guide to managing anger. “When anger rises, think of the consequences.” –Confucius. (Psychology Today)
Supermensch. Superman et al were invented amid feverish eugenic speculation: what does the superhero craze say about our own times? (Aeon)
Nice “reminder” piece on the superheros.
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