Here it is, your weekly rundown of interesting articles I’ve come across recently, to consider for your weekend readings:
This is no time to read alone. In lockdown and through our screens, we’re reminded of all that’s special and strange about group reading: a solitary, private act made public. (New York Times)
Marvel’s philosophical mythology. [Interesting even if you are not into comics.] (Philosophical Salon)
This time-management trick changed my whole relationship with time. [On the so-called pomodoro approach. I have developed a similar technique, though less rigid.] (New York Times)
Divinely ordained individualism: Cicero’s Natural Law. [Works also if you believe in Nature, not in God.] (Medium)
How scientism spawns pseudoscience and science denialism. [A bit overblown, but some good points.] (Philosophical Salon)
I read about an interesting study in co-evolution this week. Needs replication, but makes sense. Dogs know, like toddlers with parents, when their owners are looking at them and adjust some of their expressions accordingly.