Here it is, a rundown of interesting articles I’ve come across recently, to consider for your weekend readings:
Conscious spoons, really? Pushing back against panpsychism. A really nice take down of the latest in pseudo-philosophy. (NeuroBanter)
The death of philosophers. A few choice examples of how philosophers have died through the ages. (thinkPhilosophy)
The radical aristocrat who put kindness on a scientific footing. An article about Peter Kropotkin’s good political intentions and misguided science. Not enough emphasis by the author on the latter. (Aeon Psyche)
Can lab-grown brains become conscious? Fascinating overview of brain organoids and the likelihood we’ll learn something about consciousness by studying their properties. Also a good discussion of the ethical implications of such research. (Nature)
Successful companies live up to this Ancient Greek ideal. An evidence-based argument that – in the long run – commercially successful companies are those that engage in corporate philotimy, that is, cultivate ethical integrity. (Harvard Business Review)
Couple of quick notes.
1. On the death of philosophers piece, Nietzsche scholarship has generally rejected the syphilis claim. He’s believed to have had a brain tumor instead. Pretty cheesy and ill-informed to still perpetuate the syphilis idea.
2. Now, a serious take on the “hard problem” issue. How much of this is to some degree a linguistic philosophy issue of wrangling over “consciousness,” spoons not being conscious aside, of course? I mean, this strikes me as referring to set theory, which of course is tangential to logic. I mean that, you have “constellation of X empirical items” and we call it “consciousness.”
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