Here it is, a rundown of interesting articles I’ve come across recently, to consider for your weekend readings:
The proper application of preconceptions: Curing “the cause of all human ills.” (Modern Stoicism) The Stoic philosopher Epictetus thought he had found the cure to all human ills. Give it a try.
Shaka, when the walls fell. In one fascinating episode, Star Trek: The Next Generation traced the limits of human communication as we know it—and suggested a new, truer way of talking about the universe. (Atlantic)
The “learning styles” myth is still prevalent among educators — And it shows no sign of going away. (Research Digest)
Ancient Rome has an urgent warning for us. The era of the Antonine Plague offers a reminder of what a powerful force nature has been throughout human history. (New York Times)
The Simulation Hypothesis is pseudoscience. (BackReaction) Sabine Hossenfelder nails another one.
Antioch lost an estimated one-third its population.
And, at least the story, unlike some cheap history, did not blame Marcus Aurelius for “nominating” Commodus. MA just happened to be the first emperor since the start of the Principate to have a living son ready to succeed.
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Well I don’t believe we are living in a simulation, but sometimes I wish we were! It would take a lot of (imposed) pressure off.
Not surprised about the learning styles myth, as a former educator I can say it always seemed light on the empirical evidence and heavy on the required investment. New educational findings and U.S.D.O.E. recommendations seem to be more often debunked than enduring.
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