Suggested readings, #108

Here it is, a rundown of interesting articles I’ve come across recently, to consider for your weekend readings:

Sci-Fi & the meaning of life. Consider how non-human minds mirror our condition back to us. (Philosophy Now)

Lessons about anger in Plato’s Dialogues. Plato has a lot to teach us about that tricky emotion. (Medium)

Beeple and nothingness. The ontology of NFT art. (Aesthetics for Birds)

Why, despite everything, you should have kids (if you want them). In a time of Covid-19, climate change and catastrophe, having a baby is an act of radical hope. (New York Times)

Greeks bearing gifts. From Antikythera to AI—tracking the labyrinthine path of technology’s progress. (Lapham’s Quarterly)

The subversive philosophy of Simone Weil. Her family called her Antigone, her classmates “the categorical imperative in skirts”—but Simone Weil was a profoundly influential thinker. (Prospect Magazine)

Meritocracy and the future of work. Why we must overcome the “cult of intelligence.” [A very bizarre article, some interesting points, but…] (New Statesman)

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Massimo is the K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. He blogs at and He is the author of How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life.

4 thoughts on “Suggested readings, #108”

  1. Yeah I’m against the idea that we shouldn’t have children because of climate change. But about during COVID, it could also be about hospital space and the possibility of catching it.

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  2. On Beeple and nothingness, NFT’s are unbelievable, people don’t seem to be actually buying anything, abstract or not, except maybe the emperor’s clothes. I’m tempted to think it’s all part of an elaborate scam, I was just reading a post linked in a comment at the end of the article: putting up for sell just one piece of digital art as an NFT will cost you $128 (and can also produce tremendous amounts of pollution) –

    On Anger, I see it stemming from a protective urge, as a forceful reaction to something or someone stifling you, something physical (or psychological), and you need to fight it off, get away from a push to put you down or hold you under (literally or metaphorically).

    And being social animals, anger can appear just as easily when we witness others being mistreated. But when expressed in discussion, towards an intellectual argument or in relation to a ‘moral’ claim, I think it’s safe to say it’s mostly misplaced and a reflection of emotional dysfunction (and I’ve had my fair share of problems with anger, both my own and others).

    Still rereading the end of the article from where he speaks of Plato’s book 4 and confusion.


    1. Marc, I tend to agree on NFT’s. I have a friend who is enthusiastic about them. But that’s only because he is attracted by the technological angle.

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