Here it is, a rundown of interesting articles I’ve come across recently, to consider for your weekend readings:
Sometimes, paying attention means we see the world less clearly. (Psyche)
Patriotic Obscenity: Aaron Poochigian and the Comedy of Aristophanes. (LA Review of Books)
Is improving your personality a moral duty or a category confusion? Well, you know what I think of this one… (Psyche)
The role of the arts and humanities in thinking about artificial intelligence. Reclaiming a broad and foundational understanding of ethics in the AI domain, with radical implications for the re-ordering of social power. (Ada Lovelace Institute)
How to think about pleasure. Weirdly hard to define, much less to feel OK about it, pleasure is a tricky creature. Can philosophy help us lighten up? (Psyche)
The first piece, on attention, is interesting, not only in and of itself, but for the Templeton funding. So, if you don’t let active consciousness wrongly filter things, you find god?
The Aristophanes book review is also good, and understandable. In Latin classes, after completing Latin grammar studies, I first read bits of Sallust, then Cicero … then Ovid, complete with learning what dactylic hexameter was, and the “fun” of translating poetry, with all of its ellipses, allusions and everything else.
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