(Below is the list of my technical papers in biology. Individual reprints can be requested via email by writing to mpigliucci at ccny dot cuny dot edu. Entries with links can be downloaded for personal use – hint: those are the ones I find most interesting… See separate tab for my philosophy papers.)
89. Richards, C.L. and Pigliucci, M. 2021. Epigenetic inheritance a decade into the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Paradigmi.
88. Richards, C.L., Schrey, A.W., and Pigliucci, M. 2012. Invasion of diverse habitats by few Japanese knotweed genotypes is correlated with epigenetic differentiation. Ecology Letters 15:1016-1025.
87. Richards, C.L., Bossdorf, O., and Pigliucci, M. 2010. What role does heritable epigenetic variation play in phenotypic evolution? BioScience 60:232-237.
86. O’Donnell, K.L. and Pigliucci, M. 2010. Selection dynamics in native and introduced Persicaria species. International Journal of Plant Science 171:519-528.
85. Pigliucci, M. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity. In: Evolution, the Extended Synthesis, ed. by M. Pigliucci and G.B. Muller, MIT Press, pp. 355-378.
84. Banta, J.A. and Pigliucci, M. 2010. Genetic and environmental variation affect the ontogeny of reproductive traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 4:112-121.
83. Bossdorf, O., Arcuri, D., Richards, C.L., and Pigliucci, M. 2010. Experimental alteration of DNA methylation affects the phenotypic plasticity of ecologically relevant traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolutionary Ecology 24:541-553.
82. Banta, J.A., Stevens, M.H.H., and Pigliucci, M. 2010. A comprehensive test of the limiting resources framework applied to plant tolerance to apical meristem damage. Oikos 119:359-369.
81. Richards, C.L., Walls, R.L., Bailey, J.P., Parameswaran, R., George, T., and Pigliucci, M. 2008. Plasticity in salt tolerance traits allows for invasion of novel habitat by Japanese knotweed s.l. (Fallopia japonica and F. xbohemica, Polygonaceae). American Journal of Botany 95:931-942.
80. Bossdorf, O., Richards, C.L., and Pigliucci, M. 2008. Epigenetics for ecologists. Ecology Letters 11:106-115.
79. Muth, N.Z., and Pigliucci, M. 2007. Implementation of a novel framework for assessing species plasticity in biological invasions: responses of Centaurea and Crepis to phosphorous and water availability. Journal of Ecology 95:1001-1013.
78. Pigliucci, M. 2007. Finding the way in phenotypic space: the origin and maintenance of constrains on organismal form. Annals of Botany 100:433-438.
77. Banta, J.A., Dole, J., Cruzan, M.B., and Pigliucci, M. 2007. Evidence of local adaptation to coarse-grained environmental variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution 61:2419-2432.
76. Muth, N.Z. and Pigliucci, M. 2006. Traits of invasives reconsidered: phenotypic comparisons of introduced invasive and introduced noninvasive plant species within two closely related clades. American Journal of Botany 93:188-196.
75. Pigliucci, M., Murren, C.J., and Schlichting, C.D. 2006. Phenotypic plasticity and evolution by genetic assimilation. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209:2362-2367.
74. Pigliucci, M. and Kolodynska, A. 2006. Phenotypic integration and response to stress in Arabidopsis thaliana: a path analytical approach. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:415-433.
73. Richards, C.L., Bossdorf, O., Muth, N.Z., Gurevitch, J., and Pigliucci, M. 2006. Jack of all trades, master of some? On the role of phenotypic plasticity in plant invasions. Ecology Letters 9:981-993.
72. Muth, N. and Pigliucci, M. 2005. Using invasive species biology to teach about evolution. In: Evolutionary Science and Society: Educating a New Generation. BSCS, AIBS, pp. 185-191.
71. Murren, C.J., Denning, W., and Pigliucci, M. 2005. Relationships between vegetative and life history and fitness in a novel field environment: impacts of herbivores. Evolutionary Ecology 19:583-601.
70. Murren, C.J. and Pigliucci, M. 2005. Morphological responses to simulated wind in the genus Brassica (Brassicaceae): allopolyploids and their parental species. American Journal of Botany 92:810-818.
69. Callahan, H.S. and Pigliucci, M. 2005. Indirect consequences of artificial selection on plasticity to light quality in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:1403-1415.
68. Pigliucci, M. 2005. Evolution of phenotypic plasticity: where are we going now? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20:481-486.
67. Banta, G.A. and Pigliucci, M. 2005. Effects of gibberellin mutations on tolerance to apical meristem damage in Arabidopsis thaliana. Heredity 94:229-236.
66. Pigliucci, M. 2004. Studying mutational effects on G-matrices. In: Phenotypic Integration: Studying the Ecology and Evolution of Complex Phenotypes, ed. by M. Pigliucci and K. Preston, Oxford University Press, pp. 231-247.
65. Pigliucci, M. 2004. Studying the plasticity of phenotypic integration in a model organism. In: Phenotypic Integration: Studying the Ecology and Evolution of Complex Phenotypes, ed. by M. Pigliucci and K. Preston, Oxford University Press, pp. 155-175.
64. Pigliucci, M. and Schmitt, J. 2004. Phenotypic plasticity in response to foliar and neutral shade in gibberellin mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:243-259.
63. Pigliucci, M. 2004. Natural selection and its limits: where ecology meets evolution. In: Ecologia. Atti del XIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia (Como, 8-10 settembre 2003), ed. by R. Casagrandi and P. Melià. Aracne, pp. 29-34.
62. Pigliucci, M. 2003. Selection in a model system: ecological genetics of flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecology 84:1700-1712.
61. Pigliucci, M. 2003. Phenotypic integration: studying the ecology and evolution of complex phenotypes. Ecology Letters 6:265-272.
60. Kolodynska, A. and Pigliucci, M. 2003. Multivariate responses to flooding in Arabidopsis: an experimental evolutionary investigation. Functional Ecology 17:131-140.
59. Pigliucci, M. and Murren, C.J. 2003. Genetic assimilation and a possible evolutionary paradox: can macroevolution sometimes be so fast as to pass us by? Evolution 57:1455-1464.
58. Pigliucci, M., Pollard, H., and Cruzan, M.B. 2003. Comparative studies of evolutionary responses to light environments in Arabidopsis. American Naturalist 161:68-82.
57. Pigliucci, M. 2002. Touchy and bushy: phenotypic plasticity and integration in response to wind stimulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Plant Science 163:399-408.
56. Callahan, H.S. and Pigliucci, M. 2002. Shade induced plasticity and its ecological significance in wild populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecology 83:1965-1980.
55. Pigliucci, M. and Kolodynska, A. 2002. Phenotypic plasticity to light intensity in Arabidopsis thaliana: invariance of reaction norms and phenotypic integration. Evolutionary Ecology 16:27-47.
54. Pigliucci, M. and Kolodynska, A. 2002. Phenotypic plasticity and integration in response to flooded conditions in natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh (Brassicaceae). Annals of Botany 90:199-207.
53. Murren, C.J., Pendleton, N., and Pigliucci, M. 2002. Evolution of phenotypic integration in Brassica (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 89:655-663.
52. Pigliucci, M. 2002. Ecology and evolutionary biology of Arabidopsis. In: The Arabidopsis Book, American Society of Plant Biologists, pp. 1-20.
51. Pigliucci, M. 2001. Phenotypic plasticity. In: Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies, ed. by C.W. Fox, D.A. Roff, and D.J. Fairbairn. Oxford University Press, pp. 58-69.
50. Pigliucci, M. and Hayden, K. 2001. Phenotypic plasticity is the major determinant of changes in phenotypic integration in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 152:419-430.
49. Pigliucci, M. and Marlow, E.T. 2001. Differentiation for flowering time and phenotypic integration in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to season length and vernalization. Oecologia 127:501-508.
48. Pollard, H., Cruzan, M., and Pigliucci, M. 2001. Comparative studies of reaction norms in Arabidopsis. I. Evolution of response to daylength. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3:129-155.
47. Camara, M.D., Ancell, C.A., and Pigliucci, M. 2000. Induced mutations: a novel tool to study phenotypic integration and evolutionary constraints in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolutionary Ecology Research 2:1009-1029.
46. Wells, C.L. and Pigliucci, M. 2000. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity: the case of heterophylly in aquatic plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 3:1-18.
45. Camara, M.D. and Pigliucci, M. 1999. Mutational contributions to genetic variance-covariance matrices: an experimental approach using induced mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution 53:1692-1703.
44. Schmitt, J., Dudley, S.A., and Pigliucci, M. 1999. Manipulative approaches to testing adaptive plasticity: phytochrome-mediate shade-avoidance responses in plants. American Naturalist 154:S43-S54.
43. Callahan, H.S., Wells, C.L., and Pigliucci, M. 1999. Light sensitive plasticity genes in Arabidopsis thaliana: mutant analysis and ecological genetics. Evolutionary Ecology Research 1:731-751.
42. Pigliucci, M. and Schmitt, J. 1999. Genes affecting phenotypic plasticity in Arabidopsis: pleiotropic effects and reproductive fitness of photomorphogenic mutants. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12:551-562.
41. Pigliucci, M., Cammell, K., and Schmitt, J. 1999. Evolution of phenotypic plasticity: a comparative approach in the phylogenetic neighborhood of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12:779-791.
40. Pigliucci, M. and Schlichting, C.D. 1998. Reaction norms of Arabidopsis. V. Flowering time controls phenotypic architecture in response to nutrient stress. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 11:285-301.
39. Pigliucci, M. 1998. Plasticity genes: what are they, and why should we care? In: The Co-Action Between Living Systems and the Planet, ed. by H. Greppin, R. Degli Agosti, and C. Penel. University of Geneva, pp. 117-130.
38. Pigliucci, M., Tyler III, G.A., and Schlichting, C.D. 1998. Mutational effects on constraints on character evolution and phenotypic plasticity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Genetics 77:95-103.
37. Pigliucci, M. and Byrd, N. 1998. Genetics and evolution of phenotypic plasticity to nutrient stress in Arabidopsis: drift, constraints or selection? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 64:17-40.
36. Pigliucci, M. 1998. Ecological and evolutionary genetics of Arabidopsis. Trends in Plant Science 3:485-489.
35. Pigliucci, M. 1998. Developmental phenotypic plasticity: where internal programming meets the external environment. Current Opinion on Plant Biology 1:87-91.
34. Pigliucci, M., DiIorio, P., and Schlichting, C.D. 1997. Phenotypic plasticity of growth trajectories in two species of Lobelia in response to nutrient availability. Journal of Ecology 85:265-276.
33. Pigliucci, M. 1997. Ontogenetic phenotypic plasticity during the reproductive phase in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 84:887-895.
32. Pigliucci, M. and Schlichting, C.D. 1996. Reaction norms of Arabidopsis. IV. Relationship between plasticity and fitness. Heredity 76:427-436.
31. Pigliucci, M. 1996. Modeling phenotypic plasticity. II. Do genetic correlations matter? Heredity 77:453-460.
30. Pigliucci, M. 1996. How organisms respond to environmental changes: from phenotypes to molecules (and vice versa). Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11:168-173.30.
29. Pigliucci, M., Schlichting, C.D., Jones, C.S., and Schwenk, K. 1996. Developmental Reaction Norms: the Interactions among Allometry, Ontogeny and Plasticity. Plant Species Biology 11:69-85.29.
28. Pigliucci, M. and Schlichting, C.D. 1995. Reaction norms of Arabidopsis. III. Response to nutrients in 26 populations from a worldwide collection. American Journal of Botany 82:1117-1125.
27. Pigliucci, M., Schlichting, C.D., and Whitton, J. 1995. Reaction norms of Arabidopsis. II. Response to stress and unordered environmental variation. Functional Ecology 9:537-547.
26. Pigliucci, M., Whitton, J., and Schlichting, C.D. 1995. Reaction norms of Arabidopsis. I. Plasticity of characters and correlations across water, nutrient and light gradients. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 8:421-438.
25. Pigliucci, M. and Schlichting, C.D. 1995. Ontogenetic reaction norms in Lobelia siphilitica (Loebeliaceae): response to shading. Ecology 76:2134-2144.
24. Schlichting, C.D. and Pigliucci, M. 1995. Lost in phenotypic space: environment-dependent morphology in Phlox drummondii (Polemoniaceae). International Journal of Plant Science 156:542-546.
23. Schlichting, C.D. and Pigliucci, M. 1995. Gene regulation, quantitative genetics and the evolution of reaction norms. Evolutionary Ecology 9:154-168.
22. Malvolti, M.E., Fineschi, F., and Pigliucci, M. 1994. Morphological integration and genetic variability in Juglans regia L. Journal of Heredity 85:389-394.
21. Villani, F., Pigliucci, M., and Cherubini, M. 1994. Evolution of Castanea sativa Mill. in Turkey and Europe. Genetical Research 63:109-116.
20. Paoletti, C. and Pigliucci, M. 1993. Effects of chromosomal addition on reaction norms of Triticum aestivum. International Journal of Plant Science 154:473-480.
19. Schlichting, C.D. and Pigliucci, M. 1993. Control of phenotypic plasticity via regulatory genes. American Naturalist 142:366-370.
18. Pigliucci, M. 1992. Spatio-temporal variation of phenotypic plasticity in natural populations of Anchusa italica Retz. Acta Oecologica 13:255-267.
17. Pigliucci, M. 1992. Modeling phenotypic plasticity. I. Linear and higher-order effects of dominance, drift, environmental frequency and selection on a one-locus, two-allele model. Journal of Genetics 71:135-150.
16. Villani, F., Pigliucci, M., Lauteri, M., and Cherubini, M. 1992. Congruence between genetic, morphometric, and physiological data on differentiation of Turkish chestnut (Castanea sativa). Genome 35:251-256.
15. Pigliucci, M., Malvolti, M.E., and Fineschi, S. 1991. Relationships between protein polymorphism and phenotypic variation in Populus deltoides Bartr. Hereditas 114:79-84.
14. Pigliucci, M., Paoletti, C., Fineschi, F., and Malvolti, M.E. 1991. Phenotypic integration in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.): leaves versus fruits. Botanical Gazette 152:514-521.
13. Villani, F. and Pigliucci, M. 1991. Origin and evolution of European chestnut: a population biology perspective. In: Genetic Variation in European Populations of Forest Trees, ed. by G. Muller-Stark and M. Ziehe, Sauerlander’s Verlag, pp. 173-180.
12. Paoletti, C., Pigliucci, M., and Serafini, M. 1991. Microenvironmental correlates of phenotypic variation in Capsella bursa-pastoris (Cruciferae). Canadian Journal of Botany 69:1637-1641.
11. Pigliucci, M., Politi, M.G., and Bellincampi, D. 1991. Implications of phenotypic plasticity for numerical taxonomy of Ornithogalum montanum (Liliaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 69:34-38
10. Pigliucci, M. and Barbujani, G. 1991. Geographical patterns of gene frequencies in Italian populations of Ornithogalum montanum (Liliaceae). Genetical Research 58:95-104.
9. Villani, F., Pigliucci, M., and Benedettelli, S. 1991. Genetic variation of Italian chestnut: a tool to study environmental impact. In: Effects of Pollution on the Structure of Forest Tree Populations, ed. by R. Giannini, Bertelli, pp. 57-63.
8. Villani, F., Benedettelli, S., Paciucci, M., Cherubini, M., and Pigliucci, M. 1991. Genetic variation and differentiation between natural populations of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) from Italy. In: Biochemical Markers in the Population Genetics of Forest Trees, ed. by S. Fineschi, M.E. Malvolti, F. Cannata, and H.H. Hattemer, SPB Academic Publishing, pp. 91-103.
7. Villani, F., Pigliucci, M., Benedettelli, S., and Cherubini, M. 1991. Genetic differentiation among Turkish chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) populations. Heredity 66:131-136.
6. Pigliucci, M., Benedettelli, S., and Villani, F. 1990. Spatial patterns of genetic variability in Italian chestnut (Castanea sativa). Canadian Journal of Botany 68:1962-1967.
5. Pigliucci, M., Villani, F., and Benedettelli, S., 1990. Geographic and climatic factors associated with gene frequencies in Castanea sativa Mill. from Turkey. Journal of Genetics 69:141-149.
4. Pigliucci, M., Avanzati, A.M., Bernini, F., and Petrucci, R. 1990. Genetic structure in populations and species of Steganacarus soil mites (Acarida, Oribatida, Phthiracaroidea). International Journal of Acarology 16:67-76.
3. Pigliucci, M., Searafini, M., and Bianchi, M. 1990. A study of within and among population genetic variability in Ornithogalum montanum (Liliaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 68:1788-1795.
2. Barbujani, G. and Pigliucci, M. 1989. Geographical patterns of karyotype polymorphism in Italian populations of Ornithogalum montanum (Liliaceae). Heredity 62:67-85.
1. Pigliucci, M. 1987. Isozyme variability detected by gel electrophoresis influence of pH and temperature on esterase tested in Ornithogalum montanum Cyr. ex Ten. (Liliaceae). Giornale Botanico Italiano 121:139.142.
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